Fresh Del Monte Produce

  • Coral Gables, Florida

Compensation history

Top executives at Fresh Del Monte Produce received an average of $3M per person in annual compensation from 2008 to 2021.

Average pay of disclosed executives at Fresh Del Monte Produce

By year


We found 14 executives who work or worked at Fresh Del Monte Produce.

Mohammad Abu-Ghazaleh

Fresh Del Monte Produce

Chief Executive Officer

Eduardo Bezerra

Fresh Del Monte Produce

Chief Financial Officer

Youssef Zakharia

Fresh Del Monte Produce

Chief Operating Officer

Marlene Gordon

Fresh Del Monte Produce

Chief Administrative Officer

Mohammad Abbas

Fresh Del Monte Produce

SVP, Asia Pacific and Middle East Region

Annunciata Cerioli

Fresh Del Monte Produce

SVP North America

Richard Contreras

Fresh Del Monte Produce

Chief Financial Officer

Emanuel Lazopoulos

Fresh Del Monte Produce

SVP, N.A. Sales, Marketing & Product Management


About Fresh Del Monte Produce

  • Industry classifications
  • Division
    Agriculture, Forestry, And Fishing
    • Major group
      Agricultural Production Crops

  • Address
    241 Sevilla Avenue, 12th Floor, C/o Del Monte Fresh Produce Co, Coral Gables, Florida 33134
  • Phone
  • Fiscal year end
    December 31